Students who have experienced a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the past 24 hours should not be sent to school.
Should a student become ill while at school, the parents will be contacted. If a student was sent home with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, he/she should not return to school the following day.
Also, please refrain from sending a child to school who does not feel well in the morning. Although he/she may not exhibit any of the previously mentioned signs/symptoms, he/she could be bringing a virus to school, or you may be placing an unnecessary burden on your student and the teacher to deal with an ill child or worsening conditions. Please keep ill children at home until you are sure they have recuperated.
We ask for your full cooperation with this rule in order to assure the wellness of staff and fellow students, as well as your child’s ability to work at full capacity.
Medications should be administered at home whenever possible. Parents are asked to consider the potential danger of students bringing medications to school. In exceptional circumstances, the administrator will administer oral medications (this includes aspirin) subject to the following requirements:
A. Written instruction signed by the parent and/or physical will be required to include:
1. Student’s name
2. Name of medication
3. Purpose of medication
4. Time of administration
5. Dosage
6. Possible side effects
7. Termination date
B. The teacher or administrator will:
1. Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication
2. Record each administration
3. Keep medication locked up
4. Return medication to the parent only.
Medication must be provided in a container appropriately labeled by the physician or pharmacist. The parent must assume the responsibility for informing the school of any change in the child’s health or medication. The administrator retains the right to reject requests for administration of medication. Students MAY NOT carry the medication to school themselves. All medication must be given directly from the parent to the administrator. Please do not give the medication to your child or put it in his/her backpack!
Every effort is made to provide a safe environment for your children, but of course accidents can happen. In the case of an accident or injury, the teachers will assist and evaluate the situation. If necessary, parents (or a designated friend/relative) will be contacted. If a trip to the hospital is in order and parents cannot be reached, it will be taken care of by a staff member.
Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record. Vermont law requires all parents with children entering any licensed or registered child care facility, public or independent kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools to present an immunization record. A copy from your doctor’s office will also suffice. If there are any exemptions, please notify the school office.
Your child’s personal information and academic records are confidential and will not be shared with anyone unless a parent has given written permission to Cornerstone Preschool to do so.
Fire drills are required at least one time per month. These are to be total evacuations for the purpose of teaching children what to do in case of a real emergency.
Cornerstone Preschool abides by the State of Vermont requirement for all childcare providers and preschools to report any incidents of suspected neglect or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to the Department of Children and Families.
Cornerstone Preschool is committed to maintaining a drug and alcohol free campus. Therefore, it is Board policy that there is to be no smoking, drugs, or alcohol on the school property by anyone at any time including all personnel and visitors.