Upon arrival, all parents must escort their children to the preschool classroom, where they will hang up their items in their cubby and wash their hands. Parents must then enter the arrival time and initial the daily attendance sheet.
Children will only be allowed to leave with individuals the parents have authorized to pick up their child. These names will be provided on the enrollment form. Parents should notify the office prior to dismissal if there are any changes. The daily attendance sheet must be signed by the person picking up the child and the time he or she picked up the child.
If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school by 8:00 AM.
Parents should provide a nutritious snack for the children each morning and afternoon.
The parents are responsible for providing a healthy, nutritious lunch each day. Healthy suggestions would include a sandwich, crackers, fruit/vegetable, drink, and healthy snack. Children should not bring a lunch item that needs to be heated or cooked. Please refrain from sending candy, soda, and sugary snacks in your child’s lunch.
Children will participate in a quiet time each afternoon. Each child must provide his/her own mat, blanket, or sleeping bag. These items may be kept at school during the week, but are sent home for the weekend to be washed.